Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pretty sure I might be failing at being a real person.

Here I am, staring at the ass end of my twenties, and what am I filling my ears with? Well, imagined readers of my blog, I'll tell you what I am filling my ears with. I'm listening to Lipgloss and Letdown. I know this is probably not something that I should be etching into the relative permanence of the internet. However, I am wondering if other mid-to-late twenty year olds are having this same problem. For those of you who are unaware, or young, Lipgloss and Letdown is a song released in 2003 by the band A Static Lullaby. And my problem is this: Where does all this music go after supposed adulthood is expected to have been reached? Is it acceptable to still enjoy laughably emotional angst ballads provided they were written while I was still under the umbrella of relative youth? Or should I have long since discarded them for more sophisticated fare? The thing is, I do not want to discard them. I love that song. I'm not done with Kane Hodder. I still appreciate Vaux. I like to throw From Autumn to Ashes on the ipod and bebop around. And goddammit I still love Thursday. I do not want to give up this collection of screaming emotional word vomit. And it's just this genre. I still listen to Death Cab. And At The Drive In. And Coheed. I do not feel like I should be hiding these aspects of my musical taste. And if I grew up on Fleet Foxes I wouldn't even be here. Here being in this potential quandary...anyway...you know what though? Fleet Foxes are pretty damn boring. Okay? I know, I know everyone loooooves Fleet Foxes but really what do they even have. Seriously. But I digress. The point! The point is that it is this single particular genre of music that one is expected to outgrow. And...I haven't? Does this mean I am not an adult? Or just really terrible at being an adult? I mean, I don't listen to Til My Eyes Bleed or whatever the scene kids are into these days. I'm not actively seeking out *new* bands, although it would be an easy feat since they'll all have names like Kisses Like a Thousand Shards of Glass or Sins of Your Blood Stained Party Dress or whatever. See, even I want to make fun of them! I know they are ridiculous. I know that they are overly metaphorical and trite. But I cannot let them go. Sigh.

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