Sunday, October 24, 2010

informative title

I don't want to do my biology homework and I've already read the oatmeal so hello again blog. I don't even really have anything terribly interesting to say but I suppose that is becoming a theme now so you're very likely used to it.

You know what I have started doing? I have started reading the bible, that is what I have started doing. I know right. The reason I have started reading the bible is this: Most of the time my only job is to stand behind a podium and tear in half tiny pieces of paper with barcodes and numbers on them. I give the numbered half away and keep the barcoded half and stick it in a tiny-piece-of-paper sized opening on my podium that for some reason everyone always thinks is trash, like I would for some reason be standing in front of the worlds smallest garbage can where you dispose of your items two inches at a time. I think I am getting away from the point. What was the point? Oh yes, the holy book of god. Well, sometimes I have very few tiny pieces of paper to tear in half and my life gets really boring really fast. The only activities I can partake in are ones I can sneak to my podium in my pocket and since I don't have a tamagotchi I had to settle for tiny books. I have exactly two tiny books: the new testament and a dictionary, and I've already burned through the dictionary.

I feel sort of like I'm trying to dive into Twilight during Breaking Dawn or something though. I didn't read the old testament so I don't know why everyone hates the Pharisees or even what a Pharisee is and why everyone on Earth deserves to die and why does a lamb get to order everyone around.

I should get a tomagotchi.

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